Businessman and athlete embraces life again

Reg Bamford runs two businesses and is a 6 time world-champion croquet player.
Sporting and office life plus lots of travel had taken its toll on his body.


Due to many years of long hours sat at a desk, Reg had tightness in hip flexors, lower
back and shoulders. The pain was affecting his croquet game and his enjoyment of daily

Treatment journey:

Together, we looked at his posture and normal patterns of movement. To improve his core
stability, I taught him Spiral Stabilisation techniques to lengthen his muscles. This
activated the glutes, connecting feet, hips and abdominals, releasing his hip flexors and
his lower back. Reg was a bit overwhelmed at first but he picked up the new skills very
quickly. He made time to fit the exercises into his busy schedule and adjusted the way he
walks and sits at his desk.


After just three weeks of exercising, his hip pain was gone. Reg is a great example of how
getting bones into proper alignment changes the way muscles fire. Then they can support
our movement in a healthy way that’s so liberating.

"I lead a busy life and was extremely frustrated to be slowed down by pain in my hip. Judit really helped me to understand what was going on—to reconnect with my body and learn better movement. I’m happy to say that I’m still pain free. I highly recommend Judit to anyone who wants to overcome pain and get their life back."

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