Pilates is a holistic approach that emphasises the connection between a healthy body and healthy mind. It believes that a body that functions well will create a healthy looking form within and without. Taking it a step further, the correlation between the emotional and the physical body is being recognised by many doctors* and therapists, making it a fashionable topic to talk about these days. Research suggests that every 12 months nearly all the cells in our bodies are completely renewed. What is it then that makes illness stick around or more importantly what keeps it at bay?
Apart from the boring “eat well, sleep well and exercise regularly” advice, I’d like to share a few different ideas to help you enhance your life further.
1.) Having a sense of purpose
When we truly feel devoted to something, it makes us feel more alive. Staying committed to our hearts deepest yearning and having discipline to follow through will help us stay strong and focused through all challenges. Being at service to something greater than ourselves can fill our hearts with gratitude and give us a sense of belonging.
2.) Physical touch
We know that a good laugh is medicine for the heart and meditation calms the mind down. Research suggests that being touched can also lower your heart rate and blood pressure, lessen depression and anxiety, boost your immune system, and even relieve pain. So be affectionate with your loved ones. Your wellbeing depends on it.
3.) Creating strong and secure relationships
According to attachment science, having someone who gets you and has your back is proven to be an evolutionary advantage. Having a secure attachment with someone requires that we both feel safe, seen, soothed, and supported (according to Dan Siegel, amongst others). Both parties need to be willing to learn about themselves and also repair the inevitable conflicts and disconnections between them. Are you able to embrace conflict or do you find yourself shutting down? When we run away from conflict we often deprive ourselves and the other person from growth, trust and a stronger connection that’s waiting for us on the other side. The decision to have someone as a part of yourself is a loving act that will inevitably make you beautiful.
4.) Authenticity
Do you find it hard to set boundaries and say no to people sometimes? Are you afraid to show when you are angry? Believe it or not, you’re not alone. We are very often not taught how to navigate our emotions through stressful situations, so we either try to shut them down before they get too overwhelming or we can’t help but react rather than respond. Both are survival strategies we all do. When our mind senses that we are in danger, it will try to protect us by keeping us on alert. Elevated stress hormone levels can spike inflammation in the body leading to physical illnesses later on. Can you get curious about the emotion without letting it define you? That way you can choose to make your own decision from a more empowered place.
5.) Learning new things
Learning has been shown in research to help improve and maintain our well-being. It provides the mental stimulation that could limit the debilitating effects of aging on memory and the mind. It improves the quality of your life and also deepens the relationships you have. It can boost your self-esteem and give you a sense of purpose.
(*Mate Gabor: The Myth of Normal – just to mention one out of many great books written on this topic.)