Businessman and athlete embraces life again
Reg Bamford runs two businesses and is a 6 time world-champion croquet player. Sporting and office life plus lots of travel had taken its toll on his body…
However much you love your job, there’s no denying that office life is hard on your body. Sitting all day affects your posture, compressing your shoulders, back and hips, changing how your body moves. It even affects your breathing and organs. These are all things that make doing your job well much harder. If you don’t find ways to make office life sustainable, you could suffer long-term health problems.
Thankfully, dealing with these issues is easy. Simply ask me to talk to your team as part of a holistic approach to health and well-being at work. During a one-hour office visit or online masterclass I teach straightforward techniques that help employees feel better within themselves. We discuss good posture from head to toe while seated, standing and walking. I show them how to sit properly on an office chair with their feet grounded. And where the keyboard and screen should be to make sure the hips, knees, shoulders and head are at the best angles. Using various props I teach simple stretches and basic core strengthening exercises that they can do quickly at their desks as well as on their feet. Finding proper alignment will help them breathe deeper, avoid back pain and relax their shoulders.
Empowered with this knowledge, workers feel refreshed, energised and better able to concentrate. In short, they’re happier and healthier at work.
Reg Bamford runs two businesses and is a 6 time world-champion croquet player. Sporting and office life plus lots of travel had taken its toll on his body…
When Caitlin came to me, she had serious hip and shoulder pain. She’d been told she was experiencing growing pains…
After having children, Jane started experiencing back pain, belly separation (rectus diastasis) and tightness in her shoulders and hips…
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