Are you ready to make a change?

If you have the determination,
I have the methods to help you make it happen.

Whatever challenges you’re facing with your body, I work with you to overcome them. This means getting to know you and creating a tailored programme of exercises. The techniques I use are powerful. They require proper supervision and commitment. When you take responsibility for your body and learn how to take care of yourself, life becomes so much richer.

Stress management

pilates for mental health

Your body is designed to move. Sedentary office life places an immense strain on it. It adapts to sitting in front of a screen for eight or ten hours a day, so you can survive. But is survival enough? With a little effort you can thrive. Live without pain and restricted movement and with more energy.

For some people the antidote to the office is the gym. From doing nothing to really intense repetitive exercise. This often leads to stiffness and injury. There is a better way. A gentle but steady journey towards feeling fitter and healthier.

Good posture

Pilates for back pain Relief

Almost everything in the body is connected in some way to the spine. Maybe you’ve neglected its health or you’ve tried other approaches without success. Thanks goodness your hunt is over. 

The pain we feel in our back and shoulders might be coming from our hips or feet. When one area of the body is out of alignment, it can take the rest of the body with it. I teach gentle but powerful corrective exercises that improve your posture and combat compression related pain. They help you tackle scoliosis, bulging discs, sciatica, hip and shoulder impingements, bunions, migraines and so on…I read the body to find the source of the problem. Then I create a safe and sustainable workout programme for you to follow in your own time.

Preventative exercise

Pilates for kids

Body awareness is key for children to develop a healthy body and mind. I wish my parents knew about Yamuna Body Rolling and Spiral Stabilization when I was a kid. Thankfully your child doesn’t have to suffer like I did. (Read my story here.)

Children instinctively know how to move well, they just need a hand to maintain freedom of movement and avoid developing dysfunctional habits. By arming them with the right skills, we can help them grow properly and live happily and healthily while enjoying their favourite sports and hobbies. Working with me, your child learns the foundations of natural movement, so they can go through life with confidence. Children are the future. Let’s make it a joyful one.

Sports injury treatment

pilates for Athletes

Injury. So frustrating. If your performance is suffering or you’ve had to stop playing then you know what I’m talking about. But an injury is useful too. It’s your body’s way of saying STOP. Sure, you could ignore it and let it get worse (because it will). Or you could take the opportunity to pause, address the cause of the problem, then go back to the sport you love with renewed confidence.

I look at your history of sport and injuries and help you improve your body alignment, so you can ease pain and exercise more efficiently.
Work out smarter, not harder, and don’t let injury hold you back.

Postpartum health

pilates for core strength

Your body is amazing, but it doesn’t always work as well as you want it to. Since you had kids you might feel less energetic and less youthful than before.

Working with me, you can regain control of your body, reset your posture and improve your fitness. Move freely again without discomfort. Strengthen your core, tone up, address pelvic floor issues and back pain. Spiral Stabilization, Yamuna Body Rolling and Pilates techniques put the spring back in your step. Get started with a smart exercise plan designed around you and your goals.

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